Week 3, Post 1: Education 3.0- Will everyone get there?

This week Arkin, Christopher, Rae and Kat shared the evolution from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0. From what began as a content delivery network, read only Web 1.0 (1990s-2000) quickly evolved to Web 2.0 (2000-2010), the read-write web where users could interact with various sites, to Web 3.0 (2010- present), also known as the read-write-execute era. Gerstein states, “The evolution of the web from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now to Web 3.0 can be used as a metaphor of how education should also be evolving, as a movement from Education 1.0 toward that of Education 3.0” (p. 83).

If we were currently experiencing Education 1.0 I would picture it being very much like Charlie Brown’s classroom; students sit in desks, in rows, receiving information from the classroom teacher (content delivery network with access to reliable information). Everything would be static and based on behavioursim.

Gerstein goes on to explain Education 1.0 as being based on the 3 R’s- receiving by listening to the teacher; responding by taking notes, studying text, and doing worksheets; and regurgitating by taking the same assessment as all other students in the cohort. I lived this one-way process of education. It was an exciting day if we had a guest speaker, were scheduled to watch a film/VHS, or were allowed to work with a partner!

As we evolve, so has the understanding of education. Education 2.0 would move from the teacher providing all the information to students directly, to incorporating an inquiry approach with the teacher still guiding the learning process. Group work would be scheduled to encourage interactivity between the content and students, and differentiation would be present. Gerstein explains that Education 2.0 is based on the 3 C’s- communicating, contributing and collaborating. “Within Education 2.0 technology is used to enhance traditional approaches to education”(p. 87). Education 2.0 aligns with cognitivism as teachers understand that the way in which students process and store information is very important to the learning process as well as understanding the importance of learning from others (Vygotsky).

Moving towards Web 3.0 students drive their own learning, heutagogy, as Rae explained. The three C’s are replaced and now represent connectors, creators, and constructivists. Technology is highly utilized. Making the shift to Education 3.0 would mean a very different role for the teacher and student. The teacher would no longer be the sole holder of the knowledge or the facilitator of all learning. “The teacher models the process of self-determined learning, thus increasing the students aptitude for this type of learning” (Gerstein, p. 92). Students can take the role of teacher or mentor.

As Postman stated, “For every advantage a new technology offers, there is always a corresponding disadvantage.” As an administrator that has worked in a variety of community schools, I can not help but bring up the digital divide once again.

Nick Moreau speaks to the issue of unequal access, with the issue of not just having access to a device, but also access to WiFi. Many (not all) students from affluent homes have access to technology at home (device and WiFi). This allows them to practice many digital skills that are required in the classroom. Time in the classroom can be dedicated to collaborative, creative work. On the flip side, for students that do not have access at home, school is the only place to practice skills and learn how to use devices. This takes time (cue: helping students log onto a Chromebook day after day). Teachers who have students with technology experience can be seen as being at an advantage in this scenario. Students who do not have access to their own personal device can be seen as being at a disadvantage, even when at school students to not always have access as many divisions do not supply a 1:1 device for student. As stated in the discord chat from presentation 1, perhaps government funding comes into play in order to level the playing field.

Collaboration has been a theme throughout all my EDL classes, yet there are still schools where collaboration among staff is not prioritized. Teachers that are not a part of a collaborative staff could be at a disadvantage when it comes to Education 3.0. There is so much to be gained and shared with a collaborative group of teachers not only do teachers benefit, they become role-models for their students.

4 thoughts on “Week 3, Post 1: Education 3.0- Will everyone get there?

  1. Janelle, I just love how you talked about collaboration and referenced you in my post. I think collaboration is so often forgotten about, in the sense that it isn’t an inherited trait, but it needs to be taught, mentored, fostered, engrained, etc. I think we automatically assume that people know how to work together, share, and do their part, but the more experience I have teaching, the more I realize that this is not the case. Not only do students need to learn how to collaborate, but adults do as well. Maybe it’s societies pressure on us to be productive, to stand out, etc. that makes collaboration more difficult for some, or maybe it’s because sharing is hard. Whatever it is, I think we need to do a better job learning and modeling it as teachers for our students. Especially when dealing with Education 3.0 and soon 4.0, we need to know how to collaborate to be successful in these models. Thanks so much for the great discussion point, as I think it’s so very important.

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    • I was fortunate to work in a school where literacy and numeracy were scheduled using a co-teaching model. Best experience for teachers and students! Thanks for the comment!


  2. Janelle,
    The Vygotsky video was great, I feel like I understand Web 2.0 more now! The digital divide is something to be aware of as we want to provide equal access to our students. Like Kelly’s comment above and her post, collaboration is vital for the an inclusive classroom. In my other course right now (EDL 828) we are developing leadership plans for inclusive classrooms. Almost all of our readings and videos have an element for collaboration to them. I think it can easily be applied to an Edtech conversation as well as inclusive classrooms can be hindered by technology if note every student is able to partake in their use.

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  3. Hi Janelle,
    I enjoyed your post!
    I appreciated your quote from Postman. His article is perhaps one of the things that have stood out to me the most in this class so far. The digital divide is very real and poses a huge problem for both educators and society alike.
    I would also add that the digital divide exists within our schools and school divisions. Our division has a “connected ed” program where teachers must apply for a classroom set of devices. Is it fair that a student will get a more immersed experience with EdTech because their teacher was approved for the devices, but the class across the hall wasn’t?

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